#Params holds some frequently used DialogParam
##Available DialogParam
property DialogParams postSuccess: DialogParams {
title: qsTr("Success")
message: qsTr("Successfully posted.")
button1: qsTr("Ok")
property DialogParams updateSuccess: DialogParams {
title: qsTr("Success")
message: qsTr("Successfully updated.")
button1: qsTr("Ok")
property DialogParams deleteSuccess: DialogParams {
title: qsTr("Success")
message: qsTr("Successfully deleted.")
button1: qsTr("Ok")
property DialogParams noInternet: DialogParams {
title: qsTr("Error")
message: qsTr("Could't connect to server, Please chech your internet connection.")
button1: qsTr("Ok")
property DialogParams getError: DialogParams {
title: qsTr("Error")
message: qsTr("Error retrieving data.")
button1: qsTr("Ok")
property DialogParams serverError: DialogParams {
title: qsTr("Error")
message: qsTr("Sorry, error occured.")
button1: qsTr("Ok")
property DialogParams exit: DialogParams {
title: qsTr("Exit?")
message: qsTr("are you sure you want to exit")
button1: qsTr("Yes")
button2: qsTr("No")
yesCallback: function() {
property DialogParams invalidLogin: DialogParams {
title: qsTr("Error")
message: qsTr("Either username or password are incorrect")
button1: qsTr("Ok")