#PageTitle displays a page header with title and two icons

PageTitle is the only page header style that ships with Gurra

property PageTitle search: PageTitle {
    title: qsTr("Search")
    onClose: app.popPage()

property PageTitle myWatchings: PageTitle {
    title: qsTr("Watchings")
    onClose: app.popPage()

property PageTitle myListings: PageTitle {
    title: qsTr("My Listings")
    onClose: app.popPage()


###title: string This property holds the title of the page header ###icon: string

default: app.icons.fontAwesome.arrow_left

This property holds the icon of the page header

###rightIcon: string This property holds the right-hand side icon of the page header

###titleItem: Label This property holds a reference to the internal title Label

###iconItem: Icon This property holds a reference to the internal Icon item

###rightIconItem: Icon This property holds a reference to the internal right Icon item

###rightAction This property holds a function to be called when right-hand side icon is clicked

###leftAction This property holds a function to be called when left-hand side icon is clicked


###close This signal will be emitted when left-hand side icon is clicked