#LazyPage delays loading a page until app is fully loaded and shown to the user

##LazyPage pages may have high or low(default) priority to control when page should be loaded. Pages With high priority will be loaded immediately after main.qml is fully loaded and shown to the user. Pages With low priority will be loaded when pushed on App’s main StackView using app.pushPage()

LazyPage can be only used through app.pushPage() to ensure they are loaded before pushed on StackView

property LazyPage search: LazyPage{
    priority: high
    source: "qrc:/qml/pages/Search.qml"
property LazyPage contactUsPage: LazyPage{
    source: "qrc:/qml/pages/ContactUsPage.qml"
property LazyPage aboutPage: LazyPage{
    source: "qrc:/qml/pages/AboutPage.qml"


###params: var

default: ({}) 

This property holds parameters to be passed to the page when loaded

	//search_query is a property in app.pages.search
    app.pages.search.params.search_query = "some query"

###priority: int

default: low

This property holds the priority of loading the page. Pages With high priority will be loaded immediately after main.qml is fully loaded and shown to the user. Pages With low priority will be loaded when pushed on App’s main StackView using app.pushPage()

###high: 0 Use this property to change priority

###low: 1 Use this property to change priority


###ready This signal will be emitted when the lazy page is fully loaded