#DialogParams object groups some properties to be used by popup components
property DialogParams logout: DialogParams {
title: qsTr("Logout")
message: qsTr("Are you sure you want to logout?")
button1: qsTr("Yes")
button2: qsTr("No")
yesCallback: function(){
property DialogParams loginFirst: DialogParams {
title: qsTr("Sorry")
message: qsTr("Please login first")
button1: qsTr("Ok")
###title: string This property holds dialog title ###message: string This property holds dialog body ###button1: string This property holds the text of dialog accept button ###button2: string This property holds the text of dialog reject button ###yesCallback: var This property holds a reference to a callback function to be call when user accepts the dialog ###noCallback: var This property holds a reference to a callback function to be call when user rejects the dialog