#App is Gurra’s root component. It manages the lifecycle of a Gurra app.

import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.0
import Org.Yasser.Gurra 1.0
import Gurra 1.0

import "qrc:/qml"
import "qrc:/qml/pages"

import "popups"
import "customs" as Custom

    id: app
    title: qsTr("Hello Gurra!")
    view: mainStack

    api: Custom.Api{}
    logic: Custom.Logic{}
    pages: Custom.Pages{}
    colors: Custom.Colors{}
    urls: Custom.Urls{}
    headers: Custom.Headers{}
    models: Custom.Models{}
    settings: Custom.Settings{}
    params: Custom.Params{}
    fonts: Custom.Fonts{}
    production: true


###production: bool

  default: true

This property holds whether the app is running in production mode or debug mode.

Gurra make no use of this property internally right now, but you may use it to change the behavior of your code depending whether it is running in production or debug

    root: app.production? "http://www.example.com:8080" :   http://localhost:8080"
    pictures: app.production? "http://example.com/uploads/" : "http://localhost/uploads/"

###api: QtObject

This property holds all app restful api.

Following the structure of Gurra app, you are encouraged to put your network-related code in one .qml file and reference this file using api property, this makes your code more readable and easily maintainable.


var user = {
			  name: 'Jhon Due',
			  email: 'some.email@example.com',
			  password: 'pass'
// use app.api to access network-related code			

###logic: QtObject

This property holds all app logic

Just like api, following the structure of Gurra app, you are encouraged to put your logic code in one .qml file and reference this file using logic property, this makes your code more readable and easily maintainable.

// log user in

// do somthing

###pages: Item

This property holds all app pages


import QtQuick 2.0

import Gurra 1.0
import "../pages"

    property Home home: Home{} // not lazy, need to be loaded at startup

    // lazy pages will be loaded when pushed using app.pushPage()
    //lazy pages with high priority will be loaded after main.qml is loaded
    property LazyPage contactUsPage: LazyPage{
        source: "qrc:/qml/pages/ContactUsPage.qml"
    property LazyPage aboutPage: LazyPage{
        source: "qrc:/qml/pages/AboutPage.qml"
    property LazyPage loginPage: LazyPage{
        source: "qrc:/qml/pages/LoginPage.qml"
    property LazyPage joinUser: LazyPage{
        source: "qrc:/qml/pages/JoinUser.qml"
    property LazyPage search: LazyPage{
        priority: high //load this after laoding main.qml
        source: "qrc:/qml/pages/Search.qml"


import "customs" as Custom
    id: app
   pages: Custom.Pages{}



###headers: Item

This property holds headers for all app pages


import QtQuick 2.5
import Gurra 1.0

Item {

    property PageTitle home: PageTitle {
        title: qsTr("Gurra")
        onClose: app.popPage()

    property PageTitle listings: PageTitle {
        title: qsTr("Listings")
        rightIcon: app.icons.fontAwesome.bars
        onClose: app.popPage()

    property PageTitle search: PageTitle {
        title: qsTr("Search")
        onClose: app.popPage()

    property PageTitle contactUs: PageTitle {
        title: qsTr("Contact Gurra")
        onClose: app.popPage()

    property PageTitle imageUploader: PageTitle {
        title: qsTr("Images")
        onClose: app.popPage()
    property PageTitle about: PageTitle {
        title: qsTr("About Mzadat")
        onClose: app.popPage()

    property PageTitle joinUser: PageTitle {
        title: qsTr("Join Gurra")
        onClose: app.popPage()

    property PageTitle login: PageTitle {
        title: qsTr("Login")
        onClose: app.popPage()


import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.0


import Gurra 1.0
    header: app.headers.search

See footers

###footers: Item

This property holds footer for all pages of the app

See headers

###Urls urls: This property holds all urls of the app

  default: Urls{}


Image {
        Layout.fillWidth: true
        Layout.fillHeight: true
        fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
        source = app.urls.pictures + image_id

###fonts: Fonts

  default: Fonts{}

This property holds all app loaded fonts

Defining Custom fonts


    property string digital: _digital.name

        id: _digital
        source: "qrc:/assets/fonts/DS-DIGI.TTF"


import "customs" as Custom
    id: app
   fonts: Custom.Fonts{}


        text: qsTr("Volla!!")
        font.pointSize: app.sizes.h5
        color: app.colors.white
        font.family: app.fonts.digital

###icons: Icons

  default: Icons{}

This property holds all available app icons

###iconFonts: IconFonts

  default: IconFonts{}

This property holds all available icon fonts. Icon fonts can be used to display icons for labels and buttons. Gurra provides all icon fonts availabe at https://icomoon.io/

Note: only fontAwesome and icomoon fonts are loaded by default, you can load other icon fonts easily.

Available fonts

primary: fontAwesome // default icon font

Loading other icon fonts


IconFonts // inherit default icon fonts
	meteocons: myloader.name // let meteocons refer to loaded font name
        id:  myloader
        source: meteocons_file // meteocons_file is a IconFonts property and holds the path of the font file in Gurra's assets

// main.qml

import "customs" as Custom

    id: app
    iconFonts: Custom.IconFonts{}


  font.pointSize: app.sizes.h3
  color: app.colors.foreground
  font.family: app.iconFonts.meteocons

###colors: AppColors

  default: AppColors{} This property all app colors available:

primary: black
background: grey
string foreground: grey
accent: "red"

primaryFont: "black"
secondaryFont: "black"
accentFont: "white"

// these to increase readability and avoid mistyping  

white: "white"
black: "black"

cyan: "cyan"
darkCyan: "darkCyan"

red: "red"
darkRed: "darkRed"

magenta: "magenta"
darkMagenta: "darkMagenta"

green: "green"
darkGreen: "darkGreen"

yellow: "yellow"
darkYellow: "darkYellow"

orange: "orange"
darkOrange: "darkOrange"

blue: "blue"
darkBlue: "darkBlue"

grey: "grey"
darkGrey: "darkGrey"
lightGrey: "lightGrey"

transparent: "transparent" 


    id: _icon
    font.pointSize: app.sizes.h6
    color: app.colors.blue

Defining Custom Colors


import QtQuick 2.0
import Gurra 1.0

    primary: "#090050"
    background: googlePalette.grey200
    foreground: app.colors.black
    accent: "#89beff"


import "customs" as Custom
    id: app
    colors: Custom.Colors{}

###soundEffects: SoundEffects

  default: undefined

This property holds app avialable sound effects

###margins: Margins

  default: Margins{}

A convenient type that holds some margins sizes

Available sizes:

none: 0

xxSmall: 1
xSmall: 3

normal: 10
small: 5
medium: 15
large: 20

xLarge: 30
xxLarge: 40
xxxLarge: 50


import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {
    anchors.fill: parent
    anchors.margins: app.margins.large // instead of hardcoding 20
    color: app.colors.primary

###spacing: Spacing

  default: Spacing{}

A convenient type that holds some spaces sizes

Available sizes:

none: 0

xxSmall: 1
xSmall: 3

normal: 10
small: 5
medium: 15
large: 20

xLarge: 30
xxLarge: 40
xxxLarge: 50


        spacing: app.spacing.small

            text: "Hello Gurra!"

            height: app.sizes.xxLarge
            spacing: app.spacing.large

                spacing: app.spacing.xSmall

                icon.icon: app.icons.fontAwesome.map_marker
                icon.color: app.colors.background
                icon.font.pointSize: app.sizes.h4

                label.text: "IconLabel"
                label.font.pointSize: app.sizes.h4
                label.color: app.colors.primary

                spacing: app.spacing.xSmall

                icon.icon: app.icons.fontAwesome.clock_o
                icon.color: app.colors.background
                icon.font.pointSize: app.sizes.h4

                label.text: "IconLabel"
                label.font.pointSize: app.sizes.h5
                label.color: app.colors.primary

###sizes: Sizes

  default: Sizes{}

A convenient type that holds some sizes

Available sizes:

none: 0

xxSmall: 6
xSmall: 8

normal: 12
small: 10
medium: 14
large: 16

xLarge: 20
xxLarge: 24
xxxLarge: 28

h1: 28
h2: 24
h3: 18
h4: 14
h5: 12
h6: 10

h7: 8
h8: 6


import QtQuick 2.0
import Gurra 1.0

Icon {
    color: app.colors.accent
    font.pointSize: app.sizes.h1

###settings: Settings

  default: undefined

This property holds common app settings

###strings: Strings

  default: Strings{} This property holds common used strings like Ok, Yes, No, Cancel and so on

Important: This property may be removed from the next release

###models: var

  default: undefined

This property holds app available data models


    property var yesNo: [qsTr("Yes"), qsTr("No")]
    property var kmMile: [qsTr("KM"), qsTr("Mile")]
    property var cities: ["Cairo", "Tokyo", "Paris", "New York"]
    property var colors: [qsTr("Blue"), qsTr("White"), qsTr("Green"), qsTr("Yellow"), qsTr("Red"), qsTr("Orange"), qsTr("Black"), qsTr("Brown"), qsTr("Orange")]
} *main.qml*

import "customs" as Custom

    id: app
    models: Custom.Models{}


app.pick(qsTr("Select City"), app.models.cities, function(index, city){
                    console.log("you selected", index, city)

###params: Params

  default: Params{}

This property holds all dialog params available

Defining Custom Params

import QtQuick 2.0
import Gurra 1.0

    property DialogParams logout: DialogParams {
        title: qsTr("Logout")
        message: qsTr("Are you sure you want to logout?")
        button1: qsTr("Yes")
        button2: qsTr("No")
        yesCallback: function(){

   property DialogParams invalidEmail: DialogParams {
        title: qsTr("Invalid")
        message: qsTr("Please type a valid email.")
        button1: qsTr("Ok")

   property DialogParams deletePic: DialogParams {
        title: qsTr("Delete?")
        message: qsTr("Are you sure you want to delete your picture?")
        button1: qsTr("Ok")
        button2: qsTr("Cancel")


import "customs" as Custom

    id: app
    params: Custom.Params{}


   app.confirm(app.params.deletePic, function(){

###layoutDirection: int

  default: Qt.LeftToRight

This property holds the default layout direction of the app

###layoutMirroring: bool

  default: false

This property holds whether layout mirroring is enabled or not

###childrenInherit: bool

  default: false

This property holds whether items children should inherit layout mirroring is enabled or not

###confirmExit: bool

  default: false

If true, App will confirm the user before exit

###view: StackView

  default: undefined

This property holds the main StackView of the app. Gurra page routing currently supports StackView only

###restConsumer: RestConsumer2

  default: RestConsumer2 {}

This property holds the central RESFful network consumer, all Gurra componets use this RestConsumer2 to connect to restful services to do GET, POST, PUT or DELETE operations

###restConsumer3: RestConsumer3

  default: RestConsumer3 {} This property holds the central upload RESFful consumer, it's used by Uploader to upload files 


###ready(callback) Loads Lazy items and LazyPage’s with high priority. You should call this function after the main.qml file has completely loaded. callback is optional

Loading order:

`LazyPage` items with `low` priority will be loaded by `app.pushPage()` before they get pushed onto `view`


// delay creating lazy items until all app Components are ready
Timer {
    interval: 500
    running: true
    onTriggered: {
            //more startup code 

Note: you shouldn’t call this function in main.qml Component.onCompleted because Component.onCompleted running order is undefined and can not be used here.

###pushPage (page) Pushs a page onto view, page can be normal AnaPage, LazyPage, or an arrays of pages (normal or lazy or mixed)


If pushed page is LazyPage and it is not loaded it will be loaded first before pushed on the view. All parameters found in LazyPage.params will be passed to the loaded page

The loaded page will receive beforeEnter and enter signals before and after pushed on the view respectively .

###popPage (page) Pops a page off view, page can be normal AnaPage, LazyPage, or an arrays of pages (normal or lazy or mixed)


The popped off page will receive beforeLeave and leave signals before and after popped off the view respectively .

###replacePage (pages) Replaces all pages in view with pages, pages can be normal AnaPage, LazyPage, or an arrays of pages (normal or lazy or mixed)

app.replacePage([app.pages.search, app.pages.login])

The current page of view will receive beforeLeave and leave signals before and after popped off the view respectively .

###back () Pops a page off view. NobeforeLeave nor leave signals will be emited

###snack(message, action, actionCallback) Displays a Snackbar at the bottom of the app

app.snack(qsTr("Deleted message"), "UNDO", function(){
   }) If `action` was provided `actionCallback` signal will be emited if users clicks on the action label

###inform(params, yesCallback, noCallback) Displays a popup to inform the user

 if (app.settings.member_id === 0){

Note: if provided, yesCallback and noCallback will override params.yesCallback and params.noCallback

###message(title, message, button, okCallback) Displays a popup to inform the user

app.message(qsTr("Error"), qsTr("Select at least one image."), function(){
	console.log("will be called when popup is dismissed ")

###confirm(params, yesCallback, noCallback) Displays a confirmation dialog

property DialogParams logout: DialogParams {
    title: qsTr("Logout?")
    message: qsTr("Are you sure you want to logout?")
    button1: qsTr("Yes")
    button2: qsTr("No")
    yesCallback: function(){

app.confirm( app.params.logout )

Note: if provided, yesCallback and noCallback will override params.yesCallback and params.noCallback

###confirm2(params, yesCallback, noCallback) Displays a confirmation dialog, just like confirm but params are a JavaScript object instead of DialogParams.

var params = {
    title: qsTr("Delete image?"),
    message: qsTr("Are you sure you want to delete this image?"),
    button1: qsTr("Yes"),
    button2: qsTr("No")
app.confirm2(params, function(){

Note: if provided, yesCallback and noCallback will override params.yesCallback and params.noCallback

###done() Displays a popup to inform the user that an operation has been done

###loading(message) Displays a loading popup with BusyIndicator item along with message, message is optional


###notLoading() Hides the loading popup


###input(params, yesCallback, noCallback) Displays an input dialog to allow user to enter data


//add this to /Custom/Params.qml
property DialogParams age: DialogParams {
    title: qsTr("Enter you name")
    message: qsTr("e.g. 60")
    button1: qsTr("Ok")
    button2: qsTr("Cancel")

// usage
app.input(app.params.age, function(value){
	console.log("your age is", value)

Note: the inputMethodHints property of the text field is set to Qt.ImhNone

###inputNumber(params, yesCallback, noCallback) Same as input with inputMethodHints property set to Qt.ImhDigitsOnly

###inputDate(params, yesCallback, noCallback) Same as input with inputMethodHints property set to Qt.imhDate

###inputTime(params, yesCallback, noCallback) Same as input with inputMethodHints property set to Qt.ImhTime

###inputPhone(params, yesCallback, noCallback) Same as input with inputMethodHints property set to Qt.ImhDialableCharactersOnly

###inputEmail(params, yesCallback, noCallback) Same as input with inputMethodHints property set to Qt.ImhEmailCharactersOnly

###inputMultiline(params, yesCallback, noCallback) Same as input with inputMethodHints property set to Qt.ImhMultiLine

###inputUrl(params, yesCallback, noCallback) Same as input with inputMethodHints property set to Qt.ImhUrlCharactersOnly

###pick(title, model, callback) Displays a popup dialog to allow user to pick one item from model

app.pick(qsTr("Select City"), app.models.cities, function(index, city){
                    console.log("you selected", index, city)