#AnaPage displays a page
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
import Gurra 1.0
id: page
header: app.headers.about
Background {
color: app.colors.primary
anchors.centerIn: parent
spacing: app.sizes.normal
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
width: 200
height: 200
picture: "qrc:/assets/images/logo.png"
Space { height: app.sizes.large}
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
text: qsTr("Gurra 1.0")
font.pointSize: app.sizes.h3
color: app.colors.white
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
text: qsTr("Copyright © 2016-2017 Yasser Sobhy")
font.pointSize: app.sizes.h4
color: app.colors.white
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
text: qsTr("All right reserved")
font.pointSize: app.sizes.h5
color: app.colors.white
###edit: bool A convenient property, should be true when editing a resource
###loading: bool If true AnaPage will display a busy indicator to inform the user that something is going on
###fetching: bool if true AnaPage will display a busy indicator at the bottom of the page to inform the user that data is being fetched
###noInternet: bool if true AnaPage will display an icon along with a text and button to all the user to try again
###noContent: bool if true AnaPage will display an icon along with a text and button to all the user to try again
###noNetwork: bool if true AnaPage will display an icon along with a text and button to all the user to try again
###noInternet_button: bool
default: true
If true a TRY AGAIN button will be displayed if noInternet
is true
###noContent_button: bool
default: true
If true a TRY AGAIN button will be displayed if noContent
is true
###noNetwork_button: bool
default: true
If true a TRY AGAIN button will be displayed if noNetwork
is true
###loading_message: string
A text message to be displayed if loading
is true
###noInternet_message: string
default: No Connection
A text message to be displayed if noInternet
is true
###noContent_message: string
default: Sorry, no results that matchs your cretiera
A text message to be displayed if noContent
is true
###noNetwork_message: string
default: Network connection error
A text message to be displayed if noNetwork
is true
###noInternet_icon: string
default: app.icons.fontAwesome.exclamation
An icon be displayed if noInternet
is true
###noContent_icon: string
default: app.icons.fontAwesome.exclamation
An icon to be displayed if noContent
is true
###noNetwork_icon: string
default: app.icons.fontAwesome.exclamation
An icon to be displayed if noNetwork
is true
This signal will be emitted when the user click noContent_button
This signal will be emitted when the user click noInternet_button
This signal will be emitted when the user click noNetwork_message
This signal will be emitted when AnaPage is pushed on or popped of StackView. In many situation enter
signal is preferred over active
This signal will be emitted when AnaPage is bieng pushed on or popped of StackView. In many situation beforeEnter
signal is preferred over activating
This signal will be emitted when AnaPage is poped of StackView. In many situation leave
signal is preferred over inactive
###beforeEnter This signal will be emitted before AnaPage is pushed on StackView.
###enter This signal will be emitted after AnaPage is pushed on StackView.
###beforeLeave This signal will be emitted before AnaPage is popped of StackView.
###leave This signal will be emitted after AnaPage is popped of StackView.