#AnaPage displays a page

import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
import Gurra 1.0

    id: page
    header: app.headers.about

    Background {
        color: app.colors.primary

        anchors.centerIn: parent
        spacing: app.sizes.normal

            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            width: 200
            height: 200
            picture: "qrc:/assets/images/logo.png"

        Space { height: app.sizes.large}

            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter

            text: qsTr("Gurra 1.0")
            font.pointSize: app.sizes.h3
            color: app.colors.white

            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter

            text: qsTr("Copyright © 2016-2017 Yasser Sobhy")
            font.pointSize: app.sizes.h4
            color: app.colors.white

            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter

            text: qsTr("All right reserved")
            font.pointSize: app.sizes.h5
            color: app.colors.white


###edit: bool A convenient property, should be true when editing a resource

###loading: bool If true AnaPage will display a busy indicator to inform the user that something is going on

###fetching: bool if true AnaPage will display a busy indicator at the bottom of the page to inform the user that data is being fetched

###noInternet: bool if true AnaPage will display an icon along with a text and button to all the user to try again

###noContent: bool if true AnaPage will display an icon along with a text and button to all the user to try again

###noNetwork: bool if true AnaPage will display an icon along with a text and button to all the user to try again

###noInternet_button: bool

default: true

If true a TRY AGAIN button will be displayed if noInternet is true

###noContent_button: bool

default: true

If true a TRY AGAIN button will be displayed if noContent is true

###noNetwork_button: bool

default: true

If true a TRY AGAIN button will be displayed if noNetwork is true

###loading_message: string A text message to be displayed if loading is true

###noInternet_message: string

default: No Connection

A text message to be displayed if noInternet is true

###noContent_message: string

default: Sorry, no results that matchs your cretiera

A text message to be displayed if noContent is true

###noNetwork_message: string

default: Network connection error

A text message to be displayed if noNetwork is true

###noInternet_icon: string

default: app.icons.fontAwesome.exclamation

An icon be displayed if noInternet is true

###noContent_icon: string

default: app.icons.fontAwesome.exclamation

An icon to be displayed if noContent is true

###noNetwork_icon: string

default: app.icons.fontAwesome.exclamation

An icon to be displayed if noNetwork is true


###retry This signal will be emitted when the user click noContent_button button

###retryConnection This signal will be emitted when the user click noInternet_button button

###retryNetwork This signal will be emitted when the user click noNetwork_message button

###active This signal will be emitted when AnaPage is pushed on or popped of StackView. In many situation enter signal is preferred over active

###activating This signal will be emitted when AnaPage is bieng pushed on or popped of StackView. In many situation beforeEnter signal is preferred over activating

###inactive This signal will be emitted when AnaPage is poped of StackView. In many situation leave signal is preferred over inactive

###beforeEnter This signal will be emitted before AnaPage is pushed on StackView.

###enter This signal will be emitted after AnaPage is pushed on StackView.

###beforeLeave This signal will be emitted before AnaPage is popped of StackView.

###leave This signal will be emitted after AnaPage is popped of StackView.